How To: Best Wedding Photos

Wedding Photo Tips From A Photographer

Wedding Photo Tips From A Photographer

Yesterday, I was on the search for a specific photo in my archives. As I was navigating through my hard drive (I need to seriously clean it up btw), I couldn’t help but go through and see some of my photos that I took at a lovely wedding from almost a year ago.

As with most weddings, there’s usually one person in the wedding party that just can’t seem to keep their eyes open or look at the camera while everyone else is, despite all of the photographer tricks you pull out. This wedding in particular, happened to have a particular bridesmaid that was literally off in la la land the entire time (take me with you next time please). As I’m scrolling through each, one (forehead smack) by one (forehead smack) by one (ow that hurt) I realize that she literally has zero clue where to look. I understand that this can be quite confusing to people - as a photographer is getting the important photos, so is everyone else, which can lead to confusion. That’s when I decided I should write a post about how to up your Wedding Photo Game. Wedding pictures aren’t just for the bride (mostly though), but their wedding party and guests should be to create some great photos for them and look good while doing it (:

Here’s a list of tips to be the raddest wedding guest or wedding party member and to get the best photos possible throughout the day: 

1. I know it’s all about the bride, but make sure your outfit, makeup, and hair look great. It’s not everyday you get all dressed up and have a professional photographer around. Take advantage of it -and also, it’s fun!

2. If you can, try to get some decent video for the bride and groom so that they can share it right away on social media. Having some snaps and stories to see of themselves the next morning is half the fun! (Make sure they look good before you post!) The official camera crew has their hands full with the expensive cameras that yield the best results, so don’t be afraid to get some epic footage to send to the Couple right away!

3. When the photographer is in front of you snapping photos, give them your best looks that you’ve been practicing with all those selfies you’ve been taking. Practicing in the mirror (guilty here) is nothing to be ashamed of. Turning an ordinary moment into a fashion shoot is never looked down upon by a photographer - We love it! and you’re going to love the results!

4. If it’s super important for Uncle Joe -the designated family photographer (you know who I’m talking about) to get a photo with everyone looking at his camera, he will say “hold up” whenever the photographer finishes up, so don’t worry too much about it and focus on the expensive camera for the first few moments and then someone will let you know when to turn to Uncle Joe.

5. Sip at the open bar. If you want to go full on Burning Man, wait until after the newly-wedded couples first dance. Buzzed eyes will definitely show in photos and you’ll want to look your best for the bulk of the formal photos. So, wait to go heavy on the booze until later in the night!

6. Last but not least, don’t be afraid to go big when the photographer is around. You won’t look like an idiot taking the electric slide to the next level, you will look like you were having fun! Epic shots show how much fun everyone had during the reception. Don’t worry about what other people might think. As long as you’re not photo-bombing every single picture, just go for it!

Well, there you have it. These are a few of my best tips on how to be an awesome wedding guest! If you have any more thoughts or tips from a wedding you’ve attended, leave them in the comments section!


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