Heather Broomhall Photography

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Studio Photographer

Studio Photographer

Studio Photographer


As a Studio Photographer, there’s always something to keep me inspired every day. Lately though, I have really been inspired by French Noir and old portrait masters like Alphonse Mucha.

If you do not know much about him, he was an artist at the turn of the 20th century and the Art Nouveau era is attributed pretty much to him. What many don’t know, is that he photographed his “muses” and they are some of the earliest surviving pictures of barely clothed women, er models. Now, in today’s standards those women are wearing more than some teenagers in public school, but back then, as you might imagine, they were quite scandalous in mainstream society. Some of his models were partially nude and some weren’t. I highly suggest searching more on mucha and his muses as his work is quite beautiful and as you can see below, very inspiring to me!

What we have left Photography-wise today from Mucha, are beautiful black and white portraits of women when photography hadn’t really come very far yet. These women are attributed as the first models that we have on film. In fact I studied them in college, in one of my life drawing classes and have found them inspiring ever since.

As the Best San Diego Photographer I took all that inspiration and focused it into what I now call my french chic portraits. It is kind of my version of French Noir photography and although my women are way more covered up than most of mucha’s were, I think he would still approve!

You may also be surprised to know that a documentary on Mucha has just been released (2020) and you can read more about it at this link.

Take a look behind the scenes at this Best San Diego Photographer Session. I decided that I wanted all the Portrait Sessions to be indoors in my studio space. That way Light can be very controlled and I can get the look I have in my mind of an old French artist’s studio that overlooks Le Seine River. Of course, Black and white photography is a must, although a few color images every now and then are just as beautiful.

Here are a couple more final images from this Best San Diego Photographer in black and white photography.

Which do you like better, color or black and white?

If you are looking for a Best San Diego Photographer, and would like one of these special portrait sessions in the studio near downtown San Diego, click over to the beauty portraits page and fill out the Inquiry form.

Love these photos? Stay in touch and see more on my Instagram or if you think you’re ready to book now, fill out an Inquiry Form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Are you ready to start at the beginning? Head on over to the homepage to learn more.