San Diego Dance Photographer

San Diego Dance Photographer

San Diego Dance Photographer

Today, I am a San Diego Dance Photographer but when I was growing up, all I wanted to do was dance. Ballet was where it was at for me and I spent hours by myself twirling in a dress. At that time, I remember I was three and was sure that I was going to be a Dancer and an Olympic Gymnast. Fast forward a few years and here I am smiling and clicking my camera away as I get to watch dancers with perfect form, perform just for me and my camera.

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with a beautiful young woman who wasn’t afraid to be herself and revisit a part of her childhood that she hadn’t visited in years. This is exactly what I want for my “Feel Beautiful” Portrait Sessions. I was determined to do something different for this San Diego Dance Photographer Session and rather than have a typical portrait session for dancers on the beach here in SD, I wanted a unique location that required a bit of a travel journey and could provide a gorgeous backdrop! Styling was fairly simple as Valentine’s Day was coming up and since it involved ballet, a tutu of some sort seemed mandatory. Hair and makeup was natural and easy to accomplish. Here are a few dance pictures from the afternoon.

As a San Diego Dance Photographer, I Initially had a vision of a beautiful mountain top location with peaks and an amazing sunset in the background but after walking upon this field I knew that a hike to the top wasn’t going to be needed. When i first laid eyes on it, I knew the dead bushes and grass would be a fascinating paradox to a beautiful, bold, and lively ballerina. The brown tones were the backdrop that I knew would enhance her outfit and not distract from her beautiful ballet moves. I was lucky enough to be able to use this location just northeast of SD in Poway, California. 

It was amazing that she hadn’t practiced or done any of these ballet moves in quite sometime and yet she managed to look like a pro and reconnect with that part of her past. It was so inspiring to see and imagine this grown young woman as a child dancing around on a stage with all the confidence and strength a young girl can have. Being a San Diego Dance Photographer does have its perks. For example, I was able to watch a dancer up close and feel like I was a part of the entire experience - this time I didn’t have to sit far away in a chair in an auditorium - it was incredible to be honest!


What other locations would you like to see me take San Diego Dance Photographer portraits at? 

With Lots of Love and Good Vibes,




San Diego Portrait


Makeup Tips To Be Photo Ready