Newborn Photography San Diego

Newborn Photography San Diego

Newborn Photography San Diego

Newborn Photography San Diego are a beautiful thing. Especially from a San Diego newborn lifestyle photographer.

Having a newborn baby is such a life-changing moment that it will make you realize your true capacity for love. Time is fleeting and they grow up so quickly. Naturally, recording those first few days entering this world is something you want, but how do you go about finding a Newborn Photography San Diego? How do you prepare for a Portrait Session with your newborn & family when the last thing you feel yourself, is pretty? Many of you have found this post because you are trying to find answers to some of the common and not so common questions you may have about your Newborn Picture needs. Here is some useful information that will hopefully answer most of your questions when you are considering hiring a photographer!

San DIego Lifestyle Newborn Photography
San Diego Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

Newborn Photography San Diego should be scheduled within the first 10 days of life. There are several reasons for this, so it’s important that unless you have unplanned circumstances involving the baby’s health that you schedule your Newborn Photos within that 10 day window. Newborn Sessions can be done after 10 days but many photographers may decline booking a Session after those 10 days, so if this is a possibility, you should definitely ask your photographer what their policy is.

Typically, there are two options for the actual photos. One option is a Studio Session where your baby will be posed. You can travel to a studio or many photographers will come to you and setup everything in your home. Babies are usually placed in an arranged setup that more often than not include a basket of some kind. You will also get shots of them posed on pillows. They may be wrapped or naked, but usually both. (Think Anne Geddes). The next option you have is a Lifestyle Session. This will be a Session held in your home and will include your family interacting with your new baby. 

One of the biggest concerns I hear from new Mama’s is that they are worried about someone coming over after their newborn has just come home and while their home is a mess and they aren’t feeling confident or pretty. If that is something that has crossed your mind, I want you to know that your photographer is not judging you. We have all been there and guess what? You just had a baby! You literally pushed a new human being into this world a few days ago. You are going to be tired, sleep deprived, you may have not even had a shower in days, your home might even smell like days-old trash! I promise you, these things are nothing to stress over and totally normal. No one expects you to be Super Woman at all times! No respectable photographer is going to go around telling stories about your messy home. You should be proud of your family and feel beautiful because I promise, you are beautiful, and you’re the only one that may not see that right now. Years down the road you will be so grateful you stopped worrying and took the photos.

Some photographers offer Portrait Packages that include Newborn Sessions. They may also offer Fresh 48 Sessions and Maternity Photography. 

Here are a few photos from a recent Newborn Photography San Diego Session here in San Diego in my preferred method - Lifestyle Photography!

Lifestyle Newborn Photography San Diego
Lifestyle Newborn Photographer San Diego

Details and skin imperfections can be fixed in Photoshop or be kept natural with minimal fixes to preserve the authentic story. One of my favorite things about Newborn Photography San Diego Sessions is that they are raw and authentic. It portrays your family as you are and in a way that shows your love and careful attention to your new baby.

If you have any additional questions you would like to ask, leave them in the comment section below! 


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